New IIIF website theme

  IIIF Consortium Staff    |      October 29, 2021

We’re happy to say that we’ve rolled out an alert at the top of the IIIF web site indicating that a revamped IIIF theme is ready to go!

It’s exciting for us to unveil a long-needed revamp to the look and feel of the site, which you can see here:

Much of the site structure remains the same as before, but we reviewed all of the primary pages on the site and made a significant effort to rewrite them with a more general audience in mind – our overall goal is to continue serving the long-standing memebrs of the community, while also lowering the barrier to entry for newcomers just getting started with IIIF.

I also want to add a note of gratitude to George Oates and Rebekah Ford who led our initial user research, Tara Hosseinipour who designed the theme, Marii Nyrop who led the theme implementation, and the many many folks in the IIIF community who helped us test and review various elements along the way.

We’ll be switching over to the new theme the week of November 8. In the meantime, if you notice any glaring issues the best thing to do is open a Github issue on the website repository to help us keep track of things, but you can always email if you’re not as familiar with Github workflows.